Were you encouraged by others praying for you? How did God answer your prayers? Use this page to give us feedback on Amen!
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I didn't get picked for jury duty. Im not sure I could have handled this case.
Thank you for your prayers at work they gave me the option of staying and retracting my resignation. Continue to pray that I can find a more appropriate role. God bless you!!
Thank you
For balance
Thank you
For a good day.
Thank you
For a peaceful night's sleep.
Thank you
For your love.
Thank you
Cheyennes doctor has cleared her to go back to normal activities. No more operations.
Praise God for answering my prayers. The people who checked our house yesterday make an offer; this means that our family's financial situation will be resolved. Thank you for all the staff of this app and to all the people behind this app.
Praise GOD! He is all powerful, all knowing and he is ever present. He answers our prayer in His perfect time.
Timothy Swan
It has been said that every time a door closes that GOD opens up another window. All Praise, Honor and Glory go to the Lord! A little over 2 months ago, we had to get rid of one of our vehicles, due to the fact that it was not functioning properly. And while we still had our truck for us to run errands, a real miracle just happened for us this past week. Our neighbors, a very happily married couple, have given us another good running vehicle; a nine year old automobile. GOD has always provided for us throughout these many years, and He continues to do just that. Amen!

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